How to Re-Cover/Renew Bike Handlebar Grips (plastic-free, GMO-free option) under $5


Here is one way to save money, reduce plastic trash, and avoid plastic leaching toxic chemicals to into your body!

I ride my bike, which is more than 10 years old, every day for transportation and exercise and have noticed that the plastic handles over time become very sticky and it feels very uncomfortable. I am concerned that the toxic plastic and chemicals are may be absorbing in to my body. I was definitely not interested in buying new plastic handlebar grips, especially since they would require replacing every year or two. I experimented with wrapping cotton twill tape and I love how it feels and it even works better than original plastic grips!

Super easy

How to Re-Cover/Renew Bike Handlebar Grips (plastic-free, GMO-free option) under $5


For 1 Person(s)


  • 1 Organic Cotton Twill Tape


  1. ALL YOU NEED: For short, about 5 " handlebars , you will need 2 yards 1 inch wide twill tape or webbing, 1 yard for each side of the handlebar.twill_tape.jpg
  2. Online shop to buy organic cotton twill tape or webbing:
    This store is selling mostly organic cotton USA grown and manufactured:
    Note: I am not waiting anymore till my handlebar plastic breaks down which is why I am covering all the bikes in my family – even/especially the new bike.
  3. RE: Buying Organic cotton twill from online stores – Here is my experience: From – My order was packed/shipped in plastic (I forget to ask for plastic-free packaging)
    From – I received my order packaged in paper (as per my request), except for the rolls of fabric for my nut milk bags business, since I use USA 100% organic cotton. I am not waiting till my plastic breaks down which is why I am covering all the bikes in my family – even/especially the new bike. RE: Buying Organic cotton twill from online stores – Here is my experience: From – My order was packed/shipped in plastic (I forget to ask for plastic-free packaging)
    From – I received my order packaged in paper (as per my request), except for the rolls of fabric for my nut milk bags business, since I use USA 100% organic cotton. RE: Buying Organic cotton twill from online stores – Here is my experience: From – My order was packed/shipped in plastic (I forget to ask for plastic-free packaging)
    From – I received my order packaged in paper (as per my request), except for the rolls of fabric for my nut milk bags business, since I use USA 100% organic cotton. I buy organic cotton because most cotton is GMO and I chose not to support GMO products and companies. Organic cotton makes very convenient grip, which absorb moisture (sweat) and can be easily unwrap and washed if needed.
  4. Watch my video how easy to wrap cotton twill around handlebar grips.

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