• TASTE & TEXTURE - This Vegan Chocolate smoothie recipe is our family's favorite, and it is 'spoiled teen' approved! It is not very easy to feed healthy and whole foods to my spoiled teenage son, so I created this recipe since it tastes delicious and has a creamy and fluffy texture. The Flax seeds makes it creamy, and chia seeds and avocado makes it thick, fluffy and light. Lecithin makes in this recipe is optional, but it creates a more creamy and almost dairy-like taste. See more information bellow in the "recipe notes" how to buy a Natural Lecithin without any solvents, such as acetone, ethanol or hexane.

    NUTRITION - I created this smoothie purposefully to be very high (almost 1000% RDA for adult female) in Omega-3 fatty acids, since my son usually does not eat food high in Omega-3s. Most Americans are deficient in Omega-3s, even those who chose to eat fish. Humans do not need to imprison, manipulate and murder fish and deplete our oceans to get Omega-3. Walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds are all high in Omega-3s, and you can have undamaged Omega-3 fats from nut/seeds, while fish is usually cooked, which is damages Omega-3s (and all other mono- and poly-unsaturated fatty acids). Most of the fish oil supplements sold on the market are actually bad (rancid). So if you prefer to get Omega-3 from a supplement and chose not to harm and kill fish, it is better to buy vegan DHA (made from algae) (Amazon affiliate link) than from fish. This vegan chocolate smoothie also has about 60% Protein, 70% selenium, 40% calcium. I use https://cronometer.com to evaluate nutrition of the food, which uses the data from USDA database.

    WHAT? FAT FOR WEIGHT LOSS? - Contrary to a popular, yet unscientific, belief that only low-fat diets help you to lose weight, scientific studies actually show that adding nuts and seeds (high in fat) into your diet, can actually help you to lose weight, and even live longer! The satiating quality of fatty foods can also help people reduce their cravings, as well as reduce and eliminate their desire for animal foods which helps them stay on a vegan/plant based diet!


    Blender - The only equipment you need for this chocolate smoothie recipes is a blender. If you do not want to consume plastic scrapes and Teflon flakes* from plastic high-speed blender containers, then we recommend using a glass jar blender without plastic on the bottom like the Oster Pro 1200 (Amazon affiliate link).
    NOTE: According to independent studies, "BPA-free" plastic claims have been shown to be untrustworthy!  I recommend the $59 Blender Oster Pro 1200(glass jar blender without plastic on the bottom) to avoid the many toxic chemicals from plastic leaching into your food and avoid supporting the plastic manufacturing industry as much as possible. Click here to watch our videos about "BPA Free" claims & Blenders.

    *I call plastic high-speed blenders, "Plastic Scrapes and Teflon Flakes", since the food, spinning at up to 300mph, is scraping the plastic sides, while flakes of Teflon come off of the blade assembly! According to independent studies, the plastic that used in BPA-free blenders are not truly BPA free.
    INFO ON TRITAN™ PLASTIC, Tritan plastic used in Vitamix, Blentec and many others claimed "BPA-free" blenders:
    Migration of plasticisers from Tritan™ and polycarbonate bottles and toxicological evaluation. Are Any Plastics Safe?

  • What do you do when your 10 year old son gets 'addicted' to energy bars (specificly to Clif Bars)?
    First he tried them on Earth Day a few years ago in San Diego. They were giving samples away - another term for sample marketing.I let him try it because I like that Clif Bars are made with organic ingredients (70%), vegan (there are no ingredients derived from animals) and very important that Clif Bar sources ingredients that are not genetically engineered (GMO).

    My son was demanding/requesting to buy him Clif Bar every week, sometimes even a box (6 bars) a week. Foolishly and igonorantly I was buying Clif bars because I thought (assumed) that the company is fully Eco friendly ('Eco Peaceful'). After getting my Toxic Plastic Life wake-up by watching the documentary Plastic Planet I realized that every time my son was throwing away or even? recycle the plastic wrappers I was absolutely not being Eco-friendly!

    stop platic

    Each Clif Bar is very small (2.4 oz/68g) and individually rapped in non-biodegradablenon-recyclable*toxic plastic wrappers.Clif Bar TerraCycle upcycle recycle 360w



    Click image to see BIGGER http://www.clifbar.com/food/did_you_know

    *The only way is to recycle is to ship the wrappers to Terra Cycle (Sure... how many people have or will do that?)Here's the BIG question! How many people are going to do that?
    Reality Check: I wonder what is % of wrappers actually get "upcycled" (recycled). I am sending an email February 18, 2013 to find out. When and if I get responce, I will update here: __________________________

    One small box (6 bars) has 0.3 oz plastic wrappers. So if eating those bars for a year at 1 box a week will generate 15.6 oz (16 oz = 1 lb) of non-biodegradable pollution/waste. One little kid will generate around a 1 lb of waste in just one year just from these little bars.

    plastic clif bar wrappers


    In my quests to eliminate plastic wrapped bars, I tried many raw desserts recipes to substitute his addiction, but he did notany of them to give up his Clif Bar addiction. So I stepped out of my raw-food ideals and made it with a combination of cooked and raw ingredients, all 100% organic, which I purchased from Whole Food Market in glass jars and from the bulk bins using my own biodegradable/compostable BioBags (also sold by Whole Foods), or my 100% organic cotton produce bags or reusable containers.

    To lower the transportation impact I refill peanut putter instead of buying every time in a glass jar, (products weight less without glass jar, so it saves?? on fuel..)


    The Clif Bar replacement recipe WINNER that is approved by our son!


    Recipe Ingredients:

    The recipe can be totaly raw and/or whole food if you use raw oats, raw almond butter and date suryp (blended dates with water in a high speed blender). This recipe is not health recipe, but substitution for the peanut butter chocolate Clif Bars.

    4 cups rolled oats
    1/4- 1/2 cup grounded cacao nibs/beans  or raw cocoa or carob powder
    1 cup peanut butter or any nut butter
    1/2 cup coconut oil or coconut butter
    3/4 cup browen rice syrup or any other syrup, avoid corn syrup* or bee vomit (honey)
    1-3 vanilla bean, split lengthwise and scrape seeds inside from the inside or 1-3 Tbsp vanilla extract* (optional) 

     *corn syrup and vanilla extract, if not organic can be GMO.

    Recipe Steps:

    1)Mix very well all ingriedients In a large mixing bowl
    2)Form balls using ice cream scoop
    3) Refrigerate or freeze for 20-30 min.
    Makes 16 cookies when using 3 Tbsp ice cream scoop, about 2lb 10oz

    Recipe Cost (approximate) using 100% Organic Ingriedients

    Amount Ingredient Approx.
    4 cups rolled oats > $1
    1/4- 1/2 cup  ground cacao nibs/beans or raw cocoa $1 
    1 cup  peanut butter $3
    1/2 cup  coconut oil $2
    3/4 cup  brown rice syrup $2
    1 vanilla bean (optional)   


    Totalapproximate cost of recipe 2 lb 4 oz (36 oz / 1020 g) at $9-$13 vs. Clif Bar at $1 (2.4 oz / 68 g)

    Quick Balls vs Cliff Bar framed

    Cost Size Comparison* - Quick Ball  vs  Clif Bar
    cliff bar peanut butter 300 cliff bar peanut butter 180
    Quick Ball
    100% organic and without plastic!
    Clif Bar
    Not 100% organic, with plastic!

    *size based on cost of ingredients

    When I told my son that he could eat almost 2x more Quick Balls (based on just the cost) it was the last thing needed to convince him to stop asking me to buy any more Clif Bars!!!


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