• Our Organic Nut Milk Bags are the only Organic Nut Milk Bag that is truly 100% COMPLETELY ORGANIC - including the sewing threads and drawstring!

    BUYER BEWARE: Several other nut milk bag producers/seller claim that their bags are 100% natural or organic, BUT we have found that their bags are in fact sewn with polyester threads!

    Our video gives FULL details along with actual Textile Burn Test of threads: 
    FAKE Organic Nut Milk Bags (not even 100% natural) on Amazon. Burn Test (feat. Hemp Nut Milk Bags) 

        - Endocrine disruptors (alters your body’s endocrine system)
        - Glues and other toxic chemicals 
        - GMOs (93% of US cotton are grown from Genetically Modified Organism seeds)


    1.) Got Birth Defect & Cancer Bag?

    Nylon and polyester are synthetic, meaning that are made from petrochemicals, which are carcinogenic and toxic - from drilling > to manufacturing[1] > to disposing.
    The negative effects are systemic
    - most petrochemical plants have major chemical leaks into the ground
    - petrochemical plants pollute the: air, soil and water[2], 
    - people who live next to oil refineries have an 85% higher risk of birth defect[3], as well as higher numbers of cancer* and other diseases!
    *Nylon fiber exposure almost doubled women’s risk of breast cancer[4], according to a 2010 study in the British Medical Journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

    2.) Got Estrogenic Activity?

    BPA-free labeled plastics/synthetics still are leaching estrogenic activity chemicals. Mother Jones magazine published an excellent article that describes testing, whereby Tritan "BPA-Free" plastics (which is used in VITAMIX, BLENDTEC, NINJA and other "BPA-free" blenders) leaches estrogenic compounds. In fact, the main ingredient, TPP (triphenyl phosphate), is even MORE estrogenic than BPA[5].

    3.) Got Synthetic (nylon, polyester) Threads?

    Organic Nut milk bag sellers that claim they are made from 100% organic cotton or hemp are NOT truly 100% organic or hemp! - The “100%” claims are only referring to the fabric, not the sewing threads or drawstring! Most (all, according to our research of nut milk bags sold around the world) of the "organic" and "hemp" nut milk bags are sewn with polyester threads. Of course they do not willingly advertise this important detail!
    Polyester threads are fraying (falling apart) and can easily get into your nut milk and other food products. Our human body has no problems eating fraying organic cotton or hemp fibers, but we are horrified to think that petrochemical synthetic/plastic fiber can get into our food, especially with all the toxic outgassing, leaching of plastic/synthetic materials, even the BPA-free plastics have EA (estrogenic activity).

    4.) Got Paint Strainer?

    Be aware that some nut milk bag sellers sell relabeled nylon paint strainer as a nut milk bag.
    Almost all the synthetic (nylon, polyester) nut milk bags (that are sold for as much as $10) are made from the same material as the paint strainers you can buy at any home repair/hardware (Lowe's, Home Depot, Ace Hardware...) and paint stores for less than $1!!!!!

    5.) Got Glue?

    The conventional fabric production uses glue in the fabric manufacturing process. Glue is also used on 'natural fabrics'. 
    Instead of glues, organic fabric manufacturers use corn or potato starch.
    In addition, most sewing businesses use some type of glue to secure the garment seams (ends of threads) during the garment sewing process. Of course, we DO NOT use glue in our sewing/manufacturing.

    6) Got Global Warming & Plastic Pollution?

    Nylon manufacturing creates nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas. It is a greenhouse gas with 300 times[6] more global warming impact potential than carbon dioxide.
    Both Nylon and Polyester DO NOT biodegrade, which creates an ever increasing amount of plastic pollution. An example of this ever-growing plastic pollution is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is as huge as the United States state of Texas! The toxic plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is not just on the surface, it is slowly breaking apart into smaller pieces that are sinking, and is harming and killing, birds and marine animals 24/7 and working its way back into people's seafood meals.

    Read more: Nut Milk Bags - Deceptive and Destructive? http://ecopeaceful.com/blog/health/item/21-nut-milk-bags-deceptive-and-destructive


    Shape: This listing is for oval bottom shape. 
    Size: ~9.5" x ~13" (Fits on Vitamix 5200 and lower models, Vitamix container not included). Note: We do not use plastic Vitamix anymore. Here is my video review "Why I do Not Use Vitamix Anymore" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzdNEAINC20


    Fabric: 100% Organic USA grown cotton
    Sewing Threads: 100% Organic cotton
    Drawstring: 100% Organic cotton
    Does NOT contain: Chlorine, Dyes, Synthetics, GMOs, Glues (No glue or wax used in fabric production, no glue (also known as ‘’seam sealant”) in seams.


    Vegan, Reusable, Compostable, Biodegradable.


    Organic cotton production often requires the use of corn starch or potato starch. The starch is mostly removed after just one thorough washing.


    Cotton bag threads: Our organic cotton bags are sewn with 4 thread overlock stitch, using 100% organic cotton threads.
    Securing threads: The most common practice in the industry is to secure overlock stitch with a glue (seam sealant). We DO NOT use any glues, instead we secure overlock stitches by hand.
    Fabric: Our organic nut milk bags are made from very strong organic cotton USA grown fabric and tested for nut milk and juice straining.
    Drawstring: Our bags are purposefully designed with a thin drawstring to fit on almost any cabinet hinge or hinge screw. Thin and strong drawstring allows it to dry fast and you can simply hang on the almost any cabinet hinge or hinge screw and let it strain by itself until you're ready to squeeze out all the rest moisture.


    Made in USA (Grown-to-Sewn)


    The Eco Peaceful 100% organic nut milk bag design and materials are sourced by Lena Mumma. I am an Eco-conscious and vegan mother, who gave up trying to find a nut milk bag to fit our food safety and Eco Peaceful standards.
    Read my full story how I went from being tricked into buying what was really a repackaged nylon paint strainer "My Nut Milk Bag Story - How they came be Created." http://www.ecopeaceful.com/blog/health/2-my-nut-milk-bag-story


    Customer often ask, “What is the difference between your organic cotton and hemp nut milk bags?” here is the link http://ecopeaceful.com/products/frequently-asked-questions/faq-products/q-what-is-the-difference-between-your-organic-cotton-and-hemp-nut-milk-bags


    Before First Use:

    1.) Hand wash the bag with organic soap*. Rinse well.
    2.) Sanitize by boiling in water for 15 minutes.
    3.) Dry in well ventilated area. (see "NUT MILK BAG CARE - DRYING" in next section below)

    : Keep seams outside for easier straining, cleaning and faster drying.

    *Not laundry or dishwashing detergent

    After Each Use:

    Washing: Thoroughly wash your nut milk bag and then dry.
    Sterilizing: This is the safest option (especially if you use your bag for sprouting).
    Sterilize by: 1.) boiling* or 2.) soak in pure vinegar** or 3.) saline solution** (water and salt - enough salt that it reaches saturation). Rinse well by hand and air dry (ideally in direct sunlight)
    *10-15 min. Note: Your bag may discolor over time from boiling, this is normal.
    **a few hours

    Full care instructions found on this pagehttp://EcoPeaceful.com/strainer-care 


    Having your nut milk bag dry out quickly is important. Drying is usually quick if it takes 1-2 hours, which is common if you live in a dry climate. Direct sunlight speeds up drying time. Make sure that your bag is completely dry before storage. Our organic cotton nut milk bag dries outside in just one hour. Do not use the same washing machine or clothes dryer that you use for your cloths. We recommend against these since they are not known for being completely clean and certainly not clean or safe enough for food items.
    We did a side-by-side comparison of our organic nut milk bag vs a nylon nut milk bag (aka nylon paint strainer). They both dried within one hour in temperature 60 F (partially cloudy), 50% humidity.
    Note: We do not recommend hanging the polyester or nylon nut milk bags in the sun since the plastic will degrade quickly from the UV (UltraViolet) rays.


    1. Community Groups in Texas, California, and Louisiana Sue the EPA to Clean Up Toxic Air from Refineries "About 150 oil refineries in 32 states release more than 20,000 tons of hazardous air pollutants like benzene, cyanide, and formaldehyde every year." http://earthjustice.org/news/press/2012/community-groups-in-texas-california-and-louisiana-sue-the-epa-to-clean-up-toxic-air-from-refineries

    2. To see how the Koch brothers’ free-market utopia operates, look no further than Corpus Christi. "...released 26 different pollutants into the atmosphere, including more than 19,000 pounds of benzene, 25,000 pounds of toluene, 11,000 pounds of sulfuric acid, and 25,000 pounds of hydrogen cyanide." http://www.texasobserver.org/kochworld

    3. ATSDR’s activities in Corpus Christi, Texas, "The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) are concerned for the health of the residents of the Corpus Christi area." http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/sites/corpuschristi/final_report.html#4

    4. Postmenopausal breast cancer and occupational exposures, British Medical Journal - Occupational Environmental Medicine 2010;67:263-269 http://oem.bmj.com/content/67/4/263.abstract

    5. Article: http://www.motherjones.com/environment/2014/03/tritan-certichem-eastman-bpa-free-plastic-safe

    Video: Interview of the author on Democracy Now: 

    6. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Greenhouse Gas Emissions http://epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/gases/n2o.html

  • Here is one way to save money, reduce plastic trash, and avoid plastic leaching toxic chemicals to into your body!

    I ride my bike, which is more than 10 years old, every day for transportation and exercise and have noticed that the plastic handles over time become very sticky and it feels very uncomfortable. I am concerned that the toxic plastic and chemicals are may be absorbing in to my body. I was definitely not interested in buying new plastic handlebar grips, especially since they would require replacing every year or two. I experimented with wrapping cotton twill tape and I love how it feels and it even works better than original plastic grips!

  • It all began with my uneducated enthusiasm and frugal nature. The first bag I bought was an 'inexpensive' "nut milk bag" on eBay. I admit, I was simply looking for an cheap ('low cost') nut-milk bag! 

    A few months later I discovered I could buy the same product as a paint strainer (NO JOKE!) at the local Home Improvement or Hardware Store for... $1! The worst part of this purchase is that I don't even drink nut milk (or any type of milks/mylks). My intention for buying the paint strainer (sold as nut milk bag) was so that I could make almond nut milk for my young son. To buy a synthetic (nylon, polyester) so called "food-grade" nut milk bag for 10 times the price of the paint strainer! After doing some research I realized PLASTIC TOXINS were not an option for me because there is very little differences between "food grade" and non-food grade nylon or polyester.

    nut milk bag reality

    Toxic nylon paint strainer bag

    When I started to learn more about plastics I did not like the idea of having my organic food making contact with nylon (in Russia, where I am from, doctors do not even recommend wearing synthetic clothing!) but I thought it was a better option than buying nut milk from a store stored in a plastic lined (usually) unrecycled aseptic containers. They seem so clean! BUT, not so clean of toxic plastics!

    plastic toxic aseptic container layers


    I was upset when I found out I could no longer easily buy unpasteurized almonds, and then I was straining my organic milk through a toxic nylon bag! I began to realize that the nylon plastic nut milk (paint strainer) was much more harmful and toxic than pasteurized almonds. I found it odd that almost everyone was so upset about pasteurization but ignorant and/or OK with the toxins from the plastic that was in contact with their food!
    I began a search to look for non-toxic alternatives. At first I bought hemp bag in a local Korean market, but then I read that hemp can be treated with toxic chemicals to make the fabric softer. Then I decided to buy an organic cotton produce bag and use it as a nut milk bag. But, when I receive the bag I saw that it had plastic/synthetic tags! Then when I bought organic bags and/or other organic product I started to notice all the plastic tags. I then started to question the type of sewing threads that were being used and the material used in the drawstrings. When you see description of product "100% hemp bag" or "Made of first-grade 4 oz. Organic Cotton Muslin Fabric, certified according to Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS).", most people seem to assume that the threads and cording are also made of the same material. Like most people I had assumed automatically that everything when it says organic it meant that all was organic. But to my SHOCK, after months of exhaustive research I was unable to find even one bag made of all (100%) natural non-toxic ingredients! Yes, not ONE!!!

    SHOCKING FACT: Almost all of the "100% hemp" and "organic cotton" bags have threads made of polyester and the cording is usually conventional cotton (nor organic, which can be from GMO cotton)!

    Of all the the dozens of bags I research and bought, NONE had a full content descriptions. All labels simply described the main bag material, conveniently leaving out the facts that the cording and threads were from toxic and conventional (possibly GMO) origin. To get this information and the full facts, I had to email the sellers and manufacturers directly. Several well known sellers even refused to respond to my probing questions about the inclusion of plastics and possibly GMO in their ‘natural’ ‘organic’ bags!
    One organic cotton clothing company even claims that their product is "synthetic-free", but was still using polyester threads! Reminds me of the saying:

    ‘What you don’t know, can’t hurt the sales of the company!

    I was so sickened by the responses from the "100% hemp" and "organic cotton" bag sellers/companies, when I questioned their use of toxic and conventional (possible GMO) sewing thread and draw string content!

    plastic nut milk bag threads
    Close up of fraying from polyester sewing threats

    Here is on the picture I took of the synthetic (plastic) threads from my paint strainer bag and polyester thread from my slightly used "Simple Ecology" produce bag. As you can see polyester threads are fraying and can easily get into your nut milk or nut milk pulp. I have no issue eat organic cotton fiber, but I am horrified to think that petrochemical synthetic fiber can get into my food, especially with all the toxic outgassing leaching of nylon and polyester materials!

    I could not even find organic or non-GMO cheese cloth anywhere in the whole USA.  I eventually gave up on searching... and decided to take matters into my own hands (literally) to fix this hidden toxic situation by producing my own pure organic nut milk bags!
    After a few month of research I bought two costly sewing machines, had private sewing tutoring - since I had never sewn with a machine before! After several days of failing, I was eventually able to create an absolutely amazing 100% organic cotton nut milk bag! After putting the bags through many kitchen tests I was confident of their durability. I thought others would find the value and have now chosen to sell them at a price that competes with the standard prices of toxic plastic (nylon, polyester..) and non-organic nut milk bags!
    My bags are 100% organic cotton material - fabric, threads and drawstring

    Comparison table of nut milk bags, including paint strainer and organic cotton produce bag.


    Eco Peaceful
    Organic Nut Milk Bag

    Simply Organic
    Organic Cotton
    Produce Bag

    Filtration Hemp Bag

    Paint Strainer The Raw Food World
    Nut Milk Bag

    Diana Stobo
    Nut Milk Bag

    The Health Seeker's
    Nut Milk Bag

    Material / Fabric

    Organic Cotton

    Organic Cotton Nutmilk Bags - NO GMO ingredients

    Organic cotton Hemp Nylon Nylon Nylon Polyester

    Organic Cotton

    Organic Cotton Nutmilk Bags - NO GMO ingredients


    Polyester Nylon or polyester

    Nylon or polyester

    Possibly made with GMO ingredients

    Conventional cotton possibly gmo)
    wrapped polyester


    Organic Cotton

    Organic Cotton Nutmilk Bags - NO GMO ingredients

    Possibly made with GMO ingredients

    (possibly GMO)

    Flax Elastic top Nylon Nylon Nylon / polyester mix
    Bag Size 9.5" x 14" 10" x 12" 9" x 12" 11" x 14.75" 9.5" x 12" 1 Quart 11" x 11.5"
    Fits on 64 oz.
    Yes Yes May Be Yes Yes ?? Yes
    Color / Dyes 100% undyed,
    brown bag is
    color grown cotton
    Undyed No ?? ?? ?? ??

    Noorganic cotton nutmilk bag - no-toxins

    non-organic plastic toxins non-organic plastic toxins non-organic plastic toxins non-organic plastic toxins non-organic plastic toxins  non-organic plastic toxins
    Yes, 100% biodegradability
    (in only a few months)
    Polyester sewing
    threads which
    almost never biodegrades, even
    if with organic cotton
    Polyester sewing threads which
    almost never biodegrades
    Nylon Fabric- 30-40 years Nylon Fabric - 30-40 years Nylon Fabric -
    30-40 years
    Pollyester fabric possibly almost
    never biodegrates.
    Country Origin of Fabric Grown, woven and sewn in USA India China, sewn in USA
    Made by Vermont Fiddle Heads
    ?? ?? ?? ??
    Price Buy Now
    $7.99 - 9.99with Free Shipping on order over $25
    Buy Now
    $10.95 (3 pack)

    Buy Now

    Buy Now 
    $1.94 (2 pack)

    Buy Now 
    Buy Now 
    Buy Now 

    NOTE: Table information was last edited and updated on 11/19/2012

    1 - Nylon and polyester may contain any or all of the following: Estroginc Activity (e.g. BPA, BPS...), Phthlates, Antibacterial Chemicals, Antimony, Lead, Cadnium, Styrine and other Toxic Chemicals. Unfortunately the manufacturers refuse to divulge all included ingredents used in the manufacturing and processing of their products.

    Educate yourself more about toxic plastics!


    Plastic Planet - full documentary available on Netflix
    Plastic Cow
    Bag it - Available on Netflix
    TEDx Great Pacific Garbage Patch - 40 videos!

    100% organic cotton nut milk bag oval shape

  • A: Yes!  below are the certificates from our suppliers.



  • A: I live in a dry climate and I use the nut milk bag regularly for making nut milks, and I tested our Organic cotton nut milk bag for sprouting seeds. When my bag is hanging with wet seeds for sprouting, it dries fast (about 1 day). Even if my nut milk bag with sprouts was sitting in my fridge for a week, it does not have any indications of bacteria or mold.The very dry (desert) climate I live in, and my frequency of use may not be typical or similar to yours, so I have organized the following information as a reference guide to help you maintain your cotton/hemp nut milk bag or cheesecloth.

    organic nut milk bag nylon polyester threads EcoPeaceful 800

    IMPORTANT: We strongly do not recommend to follow these methods if your Nut Milk Bag is sewn with synthetic threads and/or has glue at the end of the threads. Many (my investigation - buying and testing numerous bags tells me that it is ALL) bags are sewn with synthetic threads and most have glued thread ends, despite claims of: “organic cotton stitches”, "100% cotton" "cotton/hemp blend", “no glue”... and the like. Therefore, these bags are NOT 100% natural.

    Sanitizing (boiling, soaking in vinegar, sun drying...) can damage the synthetic fibers, which can lead to chemicals and synthetic particles (plastic) ending up in your food. Synthetic (polyester, nylon) thread is not solid thread, it is made from many very thin fibers that are wrapped to make a single thread. 

    Brands that advertise as "100% natural" or "organic", but are sewn with synthetic threads and/or glue: Vitamix filtration bags (they are made by Vermont Fiddle Heads ), Cultures for Health, all or most Made in China nut milk bags: Marna Home Naturals, My Big Fat Organic Nut (milk) Sacks, Eco-Essence - recently changed name to LeCaze Co. and many more). NOTE: After we exposed these facts, some have changes their brand and/or seller account name. 
    Our video gives FULL details along with actual Textile Burn Test of threads.

    NOTE: Both mold and mildew are part of the fungi (fungus) kingdom. We use the term 'mold' mostly in this article due to the fact that it is a more frequently used term.

    If you are using your Bag for making Nut Milks:

    1. Properly cleaned - Make sure your nut milk bag is properly cleaned to remove any 'food' for bacteria and/or mold
    2. Fully dried - Make sure to fully dry the bag between uses. Drying time will vary depending on the ambient humidity level (moisture in the air) which can also change daily, and even throughout the day.
    3. Adjust for climate humidity
      A) If you live in a dry climate it may be fine to simply hang dry your nut milk, making sure your bag is able to completely dry between uses.
      B) If you live in a very high-humidity climate, your natural fabric bag (as well as any synthetic product) will be more susceptible to bacteria and/or mold growth. If that is the case, then I highly recommend that you follow the "Bacteria and Mold - Prevention" tips below.
    4. Sanitize - Using one of the listed below methods

    If you are using your Cheesecloth for Culturing Cheese or Nut milk Bag for Sprouting

    Since your cheesecloth or nut milk bag is wet/moist for longer periods of time than when used for making nut milks, you may want or need to follow the "Mold and Bacteria - PREVENTION & RESOLUTIONS" tips listed below, especially if you live in a high-humidity climate.
    For sprouting, we recommend using our hemp nut milk bag, that is sewn with linen threads, since both of those materials are considered to be antibacterial, however you still need to follow the care instruction & mold and bacteria prevention.

    Mold and Bacteria - PREVENTION & RESOLUTIONS

    IMPORTANT NOTES: It is not required that you do everything listed below. You can use one method, several or rotating methods. All methods are for both your organic cotton/hemp: nut milk bag or cheesecloth. All methods are finished by rinsing well and fully drying before storing.

      • Boiling Water - Place in a pan of water and bring to boil and maintain the boil for at least 10 minutes. Add 1 minute more for each 1,000 ft above sea level.
      • Oxygen Bleach - I consider Oxygen Bleach to be an eco-friendly and non-toxic alternative to chlorine bleach. Oxygen bleach kills mold, mildew, bacteria and also removes stains. If you neglected your natural fiber cheesecloth or nut milk bag then oxygen bleach is the most economical and effective method to bring back to life a: smelly, moldy and stained, cheesecloth or nut milk bag. It can transform in just a few minutes a moldy/smelly cheesecloth or nut milk bag to a fresh, like new condition. But there is a downside for this method, oxygen is oxidative and overusing oxygen bleach will weaken the fiber and result in fabric that is less durable, so we suggest to use it only as needed, not as a regular cleaning practice, and overuse would void the product warranty that we provide.

        For food safety use, I recommend avoiding any oxygen bleach product that has more than 1 or 2 ingredients (sodium percarbonate (oxygen bleach) and sodium carbonate), if you do not know that the ingredients are considered food safe or does not fully disclose all ingredients.
        Oxygen bleach is very strong and should be used only per instruction (use recommendation for stain removal) which should be included on your oxygen bleach package. For faster and better results use very hot or boiling water. If you do not have the instructions, here is my slightly changed instruction using oxygen bleach (from the Sprouts Farmers Market Oxygen bleach package):

        1. Mix ½ tablespoon of oxygen bleach, with 2 cups (16 oz) very hot or boiling water.
        2. Soak your nut milk bag and/or cheesecloth for 1 to 5 minutes - or as soon as you see the mold, and/or stains have disappeared. 
        3. Remove from Oxygent bleach and rinse your nut milk bag/cheesecloth very well.
        4. Fully dry your nut milk bag or cheesecloth before storage.

        Any used/leftover oxygen bleach can be used for spot/stain remover from clothing, carpets... and even as a tile grout cleaner. Or just a laundry booster for whites.
        Where to buy Oxygen Bleach? - I have seen several many brands where common laundry detergent is sold, but most of them do not fully disclose all ingredients. In my city (Las Vegas, NV, USA) I have found an oxygen bleach product with only 2 ingredients in the store Sprouts. Online - Amazon has a few brands with what I consider safe ingredients. 
    • Salt - Soak in a salt solution (aka saline solution) or 1/4 cup or salt in 2 Cups of water (hot) for at least 30 minutes. Used/leftover saline solution can be reused for soaking other clothing items or shoes, to removing odors caused from bacteria.

    • Vinegar - Let soak for at least 20 minutes. Use undiluted/full strength (usually sold as 6% solution) vinegar. Vinegar is a mild acid which many resources say can kill 82% of mold species. Used/leftover vinegar can be used for any cleaning (floors, toilet). Vinegar is especially good for cleaning mineral build-ups in sinks, toilets, shower heads (remove and soak) and faucets. Vinegar is also great as a hair or fabric conditioner/softener.

    • Sun - Hang in the direct sunlight, either outdoors or indoors (glazed and tinted windows will not work). The ultraviolet radiation from the sun will reduce and/or kill most molds. Although this is free and completely eco-friendly method, you may need to expose all four sides (two outside and two inside) to be fully effective.

    We DO NOT Recommend

    • Tea Tree Oil - Although it is a natural product it will leave a distinct and possibly permanent smell to your nut milk bag
    • Chlorine Bleach - Toxic for humans and the environment
    • Ammonia - Toxic for humans and the environment
    • Borax - Not suitable for food products.


    DISCLOSURE: These are suggestions only. We are not responsible for unclean: equipment, food or environments and/or spoiled food. This article contains Amazon affiliate links to our products or products that we actually use, and based on our research they are currently the safest, most eco-friendly and most economical available.

    TO NUT MILK BAG SELLERS: Please STOP illegally copying our content...and YES includes your knock-off nut milk bags instruction and/or your free bonus e-books! Our content is copyrighted, it is illegal and unethical to copy other people work to profit with your fake organic nut milk bag business!


  • jobes organics epsoma when organic is not organic 790 

    "Organic"? Really?

    In the regular grocery store there are organic and non-organic foods, but in the garden supplies section of most home improvement stores and plant nurseries garden sections, almost every 'natural' product is labeled with the word "organic." When we first went shopping for gardening products in the gardening section, the local nurseries and 'large box' home improvement stores, we became very suspicious that so many of the packaged products had the word "organic" on the package either as the product name and/or somewhere on the packaging, since very few had any independant certifications images/logo, or statements.

    Our concern started when we saw "organic" bone meal - of course we did not buy any animal-derived products since we are vegan and we grow our food using the Veganic (Vegan + Organic) methods - plus a few other products were labeled "organic" and we know that the vast majority (on average 90+%) of these products are grown from GMO (aka GE - Genetically Engineered not to be confused with hybridized) seeds (cotton, corn, soybean, canola...) or from animals (parts and/or feces) fed GMOs, in the USA.
    We eventually were informed by a salesperson, who explained that if we wanted to grow organically as in no: pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides...), BioSolids (a euphemism for treated toxic sewage sludge), GMOs, toxic pollutants...then we needed to look for OMRI Certified or OMRI Listed on the packages, which is the like the USDA equivalent in organic food. OMRI stands for the Organic Materials Review Institute.

    Is "Organic" Labeling Purposefully Deceptive and Confusing to Consumers? Scotts Miracle Grow sewage sludge lined small

    The word "organic" on the package labels found in the gardening section usually means that it is comprised of: organic MATTER. As in matter that came from an animal or plant. Not all types of organic MATTER (physical elements) can be allowed in certified organic growing METHODS (a methodology).

    Organic MATTER can be from GMO plants/animals or animals fed GMOs, and it can also be 'treated toxic sewage sludge' under the marketing (propaganda) name "biosolids," which the manufacturer is not required to disclose on the package or in the ingredients list!

    "Biosolids can be an ingredient (hidden), under the term "compost"
    or even "organic compost" on the ingredients list!" [1]

    One Way They are Getting away with Labeling NOT Organic as "Organic" and How BioSolids can be Included

    "When the proposed Rule first came out in 1997, EPA feared that it would deter new users from using biosolids as a fertilizer and pressed the USDA to exempt biosolids from the ruling. In fact, in 1998, USDA released proposed organic standards that would allow bioengineered crops, irradiation, and sewage sludge in organic production, which became known as the “big three.” The release sparked 325,603 mostly horrified public comments. USDA reconsidered and prohibited the “big three” in the final rule." [1] 


    The Four Types of "organic": Organic MATTER & COMPOUND vs Organic GROWING METHOD & MATERIALS

    1) Organic MATTER - Matter that is composed of organic COMPOUNDS from a once-living organism, is capable of decay or the product of decay, or is composed of organic compounds. biosolids guess small

    Example: Plants and animals and their waste products. Can include GE (Genetically Engineered, commonly referred to as GMOs - Genetically Modified Organism) products.

    Organic Production and Processing Certifications: None

    2) Organic COMPOUND - Scientifically speaking, a compound that contains carbon atoms, which basically includes almost any physical thing that is not only a metal or mineral. Under this definition, fossil fuels (coal, crude oil, natural gas, and its many derivitaves such as plastics, gasoline, diesel) can be considered "organic."

    Example: Organic urea, which is made synthetically and it is not approved to use in organic METHODS!

    Organic Production and Processing Certifications: None

    3) Organic GROWING METHOD - Refers to the certain standards in horticulture, agriculture and farming that are focused primarily on the types of things used for fertilization and pest control.

    Examples: USDA Organic certified fruits/vegetables/grains/legumes/seeds/nuts...

    Organic Production and Processing Certifications: "USDA Organic" which is guided by federal legislation, implemented and monitored and by the National Organic Program, which is a branch of the US federal agency, USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). There are several agencies in other countries. In the US "Certified Naturally Grown" is another certification that was inspired by the high cost and legal requirements of USDA certification. It is managed by a private farmer-to-farmer association, CNG (Certified Naturally Grown), and now offers a "non-profit alternative eco-labelling program for small farms that grow using USDA Organic methods but are not a part of the USDA Certified Organic program.""

    4) Organic MATERIALS - This refers to materials allowed as input products for use in organic production and processing. Synthetic (man-made) materials are not included.  That is acceptable for inclusion in national/regional certified organic growing methods.

    Note: GMO products and sewage sludge (biosolids) are two of several things that are NOT allowed as organic growing MATERIALS for use in organic growing METHODS.

    Examples: Products with the label (logo) "OMRI Certified" or "OMRI Listed"

    Organic Production and Processing Certifications: Covered internationally by OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute)

    We hope that helps you better understand how to choosing truly organic MATERIALS for your organic METHODS products such as: soil, compost, amendments, fertilizers and pesticides.


    How To Ask about a Companies Use of the Term "Organic" 

    Our experience has been that most companies do NOT respond to question that we post from the list below. BUT...we are few and you, the readers, are many!
    Here is an example of a company we aksed.

    Cottonseed Meal Doctor Earth small

    Here we have made ffor you a simple text template, that you can copy and paste. We have used this several times to ask people and companies are using the term "organic." To date not one company has responded to this direct line of questioning, but we know that if enough people ask the company will be forced to answer and tell the truth!

    We, the public, demand to be told the TRUTH!

    Q: When your company uses the term "organic", in gardening products,
         are you referring to "organic" as:

    1) Simply contains organic MATTER (materials from plants and animals)?

    2) Simply an organic COMPOUND (contains carbon atoms)?

    3) Sourced from farmers using certified organic growing METHODS?

    4) Guaranteed to be independently certified organic growing MATERIALS?


    This image was created to be shared on Social Media, Websites...
    Direct link to image: http://ecopeaceful.com/images/images/blog/misleading-organic-claims/questioning-organic-term-use.jpg

    questioning organic term use 

    What is the Problem with Sewage Sludge?

    Aren't BioSolids just like natural fertilizer (humanure)? NO! However, according to statements made by many BioSolids makers and sellers, they want for you to think they are exaclty the same!
    If humans are going to use some type of feces for food growing then humans would be and have been, wise to include human feces (humanure) in their food growing crops (when treated properly) since it can actually be more nutritious than most animal manures. The reason being, that some humans eat a much wider range of food sources and nutrients than most captive/farmed animals. BUT, when it comes to treated toxic sewage sludge is not just human feces/excrements, it is toxic sludge that can have any mix of up about 80,000 hazardous chemicals (mostly man made). CSIA graphic revised2 small

    "We know now that biosolids have a complex array of biological pathogens, chemical contaminants, pharmaceuticals, hormones, and emerging contaminants that are not completely eliminated by waste water treatment plants. The land application of biosolids should be abandoned immediately, considering that the current regulatory restrictions and biosolid treatment programs allow for the continuing contamination of the environment and threaten human health." [1]

    biosolids warning small

    We personally make our own humanure fertilizer, but we would never knowingly apply sewage sludge (aka biosolids) anywhere on our property, especially on food plants! 

    Here are just a few of the Facts and Problems with sewage sludge:

      • FACT - Biosolids are more than just human feces
      • FACT - Federal legislation permits every business, institution and industry in the USA to dump up to 15 kilograms (33 pounds) of untreated hazardous waste into the sewer system every month, without needing to file any reports to any federal agency!
      • FACT - Treated toxic sewage sludge (termed Biosolids) is NOT the same as all natural ingredients found in feces from naturally roaming animals or those from humans in many third world countries who have no access to wet/flush toilets or our wide range (about 80,000) of toxic chemicals (mostly from man made products) used in western sewage treatment
      • FACT - Tens of thousands of potentially harmful chemicals that are dumped down the toilets and sinks of: homes, business (funeral homes, automotive shops, beauty salons...) hospitals, factories...as well as runoff into street drains, somehow gets magically cleaned-up or transformed into harmless, non-accumulating product
      • FACT - USDA and OMRI do not allow the use of biosolids
      • FACT - Less than 1% of potential biotoxins are tested. The EPA currently ONLY tests for 4 harmful pathogens and 10 toxic metals
      • FACT - Class B (the lowest and more contaminated class of biosolids) are even spread on food crop farm lands
      • FACT - Banned for use on food production land in at least 200 counties in the US
      • FACT - Treated toxic sewage sludge ("biosolids") can be an ingredient (hidden), under the term "compost" on garden supply ingredients lists
      • PROBLEM - There is legal evidence of deadly contamination
      • PROBLEM - There is legal evidence of toxin levels being fabricated to show they are low.

    Got Pathogen and Toxin Isolation and Quarantine?

    When it comes to human, animal and planet health and disease control, the spreading of sewage sludge seems to be a process that is the complete opposite (antithesis) of pathogen and toxin isolation and quarantine.

    biosolids application sign small

    "There is evidence of pathogen reactivation or sudden increase in indicator organisms 

    following anaerobic digestion and dewatering at some treatment facilities." [2]

    Common Products that are labeled "ORGANIC"* that are NOT Independantly Certified and/or would Never Qualify Organic

    *if they are using the term as Organic MATTER & Organic COMPOUND.
    WARNING: These products are most likely from GMO crops and/or contain Treated Toxic Sewage Sludge (aka BioSolids)

    Organic Alfalfa Meal
    Organic Animal Manure - most animals that includes worms (worm casting) are fed GMO in the USA
    Organic Cottonseeds Meal 
    Organic Blood Meal
    Organic Bone Meal
    Organic Canola Meal
    Organic Compost
    Organic Compost Tea
    Organic Corn Gluten Meal
    Organic Feather Meal - most likely the birds fed GMO feed
    Organic Fish Meal/Emulsion
    Organic Soybean Meal
    Organic Worm Castings

    If we missed something, please add in the comments below.

    Branded Products Containing Biosolids (Treated Toxic Sewage Sludge)

    Note: If you have any sludge product(s) to add or remove from this list, please notify us on our contact page

    All-Gro (Synagro)
    Granulite (Synagro)
    Chesapeake Sunshine
    (Philadelphia, PA)
    Nutri-Green (Virginia Beach, VA)
    MetroGro (Madison, WI)
    ORGRO (Baltimore, MD, Veolia Water North America)
    Bay State Fertilizer (Boston, MA)
    GroCo (Seattle, WA)
    SilviGrow (Seattle, WA)
    Oceangro (NJ)
    TAGRO (Tacoma, WA)
    SoundGro (Pierce County, WA)
    Milorganite (Milwaukee, WI)
    WeCare Compost (NY)
    CompostT (Pennsylvania)
    EKO Compost (Missoula, Maui, Lewiston plant on Idaho-Wahington border)
    Dillo Dirt (Austin, TX)
    Glacier Gold (Olney, MT)
    EarthBlends (New York City, a product of Synagro, sold by WeCare)
    Agresoil (MA)
    Earthlife (New England, a product of New England Organics)
    TOPGRO (Los Angeles, CA)
    N-Viro Soil
    N-Viro BioBlend
    Landscapers' Advantage (Camden, NJ)
    Hou-Actinite (Houston, TX)
    ComPro (Washington, D.C.)
    Mine Mix (Philadelphia, PA)
    Kellogg Nitrohumus, Gromulch, Amend and Topper (Kellogg Garden Products, Los Angeles, CA)
    Growers' Blend by Earthwise Organics (a Synagro subsidiary)
    Unity Fertilizer (Unity Envirotech LLC, Florida-baded)
    Miracle-Gro Organic Choice Garden Soil (Scott's Miracle-Gro Company says: "Some of the most common organic plant foods are bone meal, cottonseed meal, blood meal, fish emulsion, activated sewage and manures.")
    PocoNite (Sumter, SC)

    List source: http://www.sludgenews.org/about/sludgenews.aspx?id=5 


    SOLUTION - Ways to Identify ORGANIC and Avoid Non-Organic Garden Product

    1) Ask for (demand) source/origin verification - especially on ingredients known to contain:

    A) GMOs - crops with a very high percentage grown as GMO (cotton, alphalfa, canola, corn...)

    B) Biosolids - undefined or not fully defined "Compost" and "Organic compost"

    C) Hormones, antibiotics, pesticidesanimal ingredients, which mostly are from industrial/factory farms (aka: CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation), Intensive animal farming...), which also includes most "Free Range" farms

    D) Toxins - All of the above.

    2) Look for independant organic certification logos.

    For example here is the OMRI certified products logo OMRI listed Organic certifiction small

    3) Agricultural products already USDA certified Organic and/or covered by the USDA NOP (National Organic Program) 


    Learn more about GMOs

    Learn more about GMOs  http://responsibletechnology.org
    Non-GMO shopping guide  http://www.nongmoshoppingguide.com
    Scientists Under Attack   http://www.scientistsunderattack.com

    Learn more about BioSolids (Treated Toxic Sewage Sludge)

    Sewage sludge giveaways, producers, and brands http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Sewage_sludge_giveaways,_producers,_and_brands
    Branded products containing sewage sludge http://www.sludgenews.org/about/sludgenews.aspx?id=5
    "JD Mumma: Toxic Sewage Sludge in YOUR Food - On this edition of Health Conspiracy Radio, Nick Brannigan welcomes JD Mumma to the show! JD joins Nick to talk about toxic sewage sludge and it's use in modern agriculture. JD Mumma goes over the harm to human health caused by this product, better known as biosolids" Direct link to Podcast MP3 file http://radio.naturalnews.com/download.asp?fileid=4519

    LINKS to References for Organic Farmers, Handlers, Certifiers



    1. https://www.beyondpesticides.org/assets/media/documents/infoservices/pesticidesandyou/documents/Biosolids.pdf

    2. National Water Program Research Compendium: "There is evidence of pathogen reactivation or sudden increase in indicator organisms following anaerobic digestion and dewatering at some treatment facilities. There is also limited knowledge of what may be in biosolids, due in part to a lack of analytical methods and the large universe of chemicals and pathogens that could be in or released from biosolids. We also need a better understanding regarding a growing concern about antimicrobial resistance and horizontal gene transfer, treatment effectiveness, and whether operation standards (e.g., harvesting and grazing restrictions) work. http://water.epa.gov/scitech/research-riskassess/researchstrategy/upload/compendium.pdf

    "current federal legislation still permits every business, institution and industry in the country to dump 15 kilograms (33 pounds) of untreated hazardous waste into the sewer system each month, no reporting required." http://grist.org/article/2009-05-05-sludge-fertilizer-sewage

    Pathogens are from 6 categories: viruses, bacteria, prions, fungi, viroids, or parasites. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathogen

    Lists of both diseases associated with infectious bacteria and viruses, and pathogens and their associated diseases. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_human_diseases_associated_with_infectious_pathogens

    Pathogen: "A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease." http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/pathogen

    Quarantine: "The period of time during which a person or animal that has a disease or that might have a disease is kept away from others to prevent the disease from spreading
    the situation of being kept away from others to prevent a disease from spreading." http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/quarantine

    List of infectious diseases: "There are 216 entries in this list, though some entries such as 'Common cold' include a number of distinct pathogens." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_infectious_diseases

    International organic certification organizations listed by country and area. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_certification#Regional_variations

    A grass roots alternative to certified organic. https://www.naturallygrown.org

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