Vegan Chocolate Brownies From Soy Milk Pulp (Okara)


Making own soy milk will benefit you with a lot of soy milk pulp (also called okara, tofu dregs).  It is amazing high protein byproduct that can be used making veggie burgers, pancakes and baked things, soy pulp (okara) is also very nutritious according to Wikipedia "When moisture free, okara contains 8 to 15% fats, 12 to 14.5% crude fiber and 24% protein, and contains 17% of the protein from the source soybeans. It also contains potassium, calcium, niacin"

For this recipe you can use pulp from soy milk or soy yogurt.
This recipe is made from not strained soy pulp, see my soy milk recipe how to make soy milk without straining Easy Soy Milk Recipe & How to Separate Pulp without Straining. If you straining your soy milk your pulp will be dryer, so you will need to add more liquid (water or any plant based milk). 
Also, since I am making food for my picky son it is very important to make recipes not just tasty, but also very nutritious, so as a sweetener I chose blackstrap molasses, this recipe is not overly sweet, so if you like very sweet brownies add additional sweeteners such as organic brown sugar or evaporated cane juice. 


Vegan Chocolate Brownies From Soy Milk Pulp (Okara)
Preparation time
Cooking time


For 1 Batch(es)


  • 3 Cups - Soy milk or yogurt pulp (wet, not strained)
  • 3 Cups - Rolled oats
  • 1 Cup - Blackstrap molasses
  • 1 Cup - Whole wheat or spelt flour
  • 1 tsp - Walnuts or other similar nuts or seeds (chopped) or raisins
  • 0.5 Cup - Cacao powder
  • 1 Tbsp - Flax meal
  • 1 tsp - Vanilla powder (optional)
  • 0.5 tsp - Salt (optional)
  • 0.5 tsp - Baking soda
  • 1 Pinch - Stevia powder (optional)
  • to taste - Extra sweetener (optional)


  1. MIX - Mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl by hand, or using a mixer. If your batter is too wet, then add a little more flour. 
  2. PREPARE - Grease your baking pan and pour/spread batter about 1" high in the baking tray. Preheating oven is only necessary if you use a glass baking tray. So if you use metal baking tray you can save on electricity and time.
  3. BAKE - Set the oven temperature at 350F/180C and bake for 20-30 minutes. Baking time will depend on: 1) if you preheated the oven or started baking right away, 2) how wet and how thick you spread your brownies mix.
  4. SERVE - Remove from oven, wait till cool down, cut them. Eat them plain or serve with sweet cashew cream on top. Eat it up... yum!

Recipe notes


BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES - Why choose blackstrap molasses over other sweeteners?
 Blackstrap molasses is one of the most nutritious sweeteners. Blackstrap molasses is high in: Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Copper, Manganese, Selenium and Vitamin B6.

Note: Not all brands of blackstrap molasses have the same nutritional value, there can be a significant nutrient content difference between brands.

VANILLA - Why vanilla bean is different from vanilla extract? I used to use organic vanilla extract (alcohol based), but according to this Dr. Michael Greger video Breast Cancer and Alcohol: How Much is Safe?, there is no safe level of alcohol consumption. So, I switched to using vanilla powder or whole vanilla beans, Since I could only find vanilla beans or vanilla powder in plastic packaging, I buy at least a pound, this way it will last me for several years, which amounts to less plastic packaging being used.
