Q: Since hemp is now legal in Colorado, have you thought about switching to USA grown hemp?

Hemp plant 300A: Great question! We would love to make the switch and are looking forward to USA grown hemp fabrics, BUT unfortunately there is no fabric being made from USA grown hemp and there may not be for several years. I recently contacted [December 2015] Hemp Industries Association and several other large hemp fabric sellers in USA, and here are some of the answers I got when asked about the availability of the USA grown hemp:
"There is very little hemp grown in the US and is mostly on a Research and Development basis."
"Right now there is no USA grown hemp fabric available.  You are a little bit too early.  We probably won't see anything for at least 2 more years."
"As you may be aware we are just starting to get research approved for some states in the US. It will be a long time before there is enough of the right kind of hemp and the facilities needed to make hemp fabrics. Pretty much, everything else hemp will be coming and focused on for the US for the next 10 years, This is a very long description and takes much research to understand."

BUYER BEWARE (Caveat Emptor): If you see that a product seller is making a claim that their hemp textile products are "Made in USA ", then, since there is currently probably ZERO hemp fabric made in the USA, they are probably trying to deceive buyers and we recommend asking them for their "Made in USA" proof/certification.
If their product is sewn in the USA from imported materials it is illegal to make a "Made in USA" claim according to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) and they should be reported!
Information on how to report their false country of origin claims by email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone (202) 326-2996
More information on this FTC page https://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/complying-made-usa-standard#todo

Author Info
Lena Mumma
Author: Lena MummaWebsite: http://youtube.com/user/EcoPeaceful
Co-Founder of Ecopeaceful, LLC
About Me
I love educating about eco and peaceful ways of living, and every now and then exposing people and companies that are not acting in the best interest of the public.
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